Waterfront Lifeguard Online Course


Note: You must Register Online for a class before you start the online course.

Prior to the in-class date, all participants must complete an online course thru the Red Cross Learning Center. The Red Cross fee for the online course is $35 which in addition to the class fee. Please allow 6-7 hours to complete the online course.

Important: The online course is NOT optimized for Google Chrome. For best results use Firefox browser and disable pop-up blockers.

Need Help? Watch our How To Video Guide.


Steps to complete the Online Course

To enroll and complete the online course click on each step below and follow the instructions in the order they are listed.

[accordion] [accordion_toggle title=”Step 1 – Access the Red Cross Learning Center”]

To access the Red Cross Learning Center:

[custom_list style=”list-1″]


Note: If you already have an Red Cross account, enter your username and password to log-in. If you cannot remember your username and password, contact the Red Cross Training Support Center at 1-800-RED-CROSS. You may receive an email from the Red Cross confirming your profile registration, please do not use any links in the Red Cross email to complete the online course. Follow the directions in Step 2 and Step 3 below.


[accordion_toggle title=”Step 2 – Add the online course to your account”]

Click on the link below that is next to the class date you are registered for (make sure to select the correct link). If the link does not open paste the URL in your web browser.


Class Dates Online Course Link Offering ID
Mar 19 & 20, 2016 04145399
Apr 23 & 24, 2016 04099807
May 21 & 22, 2016 04099872


At this point you should be logged in to the learning center and on the Create Order page.

[custom_list style=”list-1″]


[accordion_toggle title=”Step 3 – Complete the online course”]

Important: The online course is NOT optimized for Google Chrome. For best results use Firefox browser and disable pop-up blockers.

To complete online course:

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